Wednesday, February 27, 2008

and yesterday was a day of good surprises

above all the things, Mr.R's visit made my day.
I thought he has no time.
I thought we would prefer to work from the client' site.
....and I thought he won't come.

R, do you know that you made my day?

It was such a great surprise that you came.

and even the busiest bumblebee can see
how shiny I was on that day that face show up to visit me

Monday, February 18, 2008


Hari ini tiba-tiba teringat akan suatu hal di masa lalu, yang belum lama berselang masih menjadi pusat pikiranku, yang entah mengapa atau bagaimana terlewatkan begitu saja.

dan ya....nada suaraku pasti berubah. Bukan karena apa-apa, tapi lebih karena lebih mudah demikian. Toh di klien yang satu itu aku tidak pernah begitu

Aku pikir aku pasti membuatnya kesal, dan mukaku pasti sangat tidak enak dilihat saat ini (dan dia pasti sama sekali tidak menyangka lagu apa yang aku sumpalkan di telingaku saat ini! dan kalaupun dia tahu, sepertinya aku harus membuang jauh-jauh gambaran bahwa mereka akan berhenti menganggapku anak kecil. Sejujurnya, hidup memang lebih mudah dijalani sebagai anak kecil ketimbang orang dewasa, dan terkadang, bahkan mungkin sering, aku memanfaatkannya begitu saja ;p).

dan tahukah kau...

mungkin kebanyakan dari kita adalah kanak-kanak.

dan kita tinggal di negeri yang hati kita kenal sebagai Neverland :)

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Life of meaning

I must have looked so tired. But yes, maybe I do. The air conditioner makes me sore, and there is something in the air that does not really appealing to me though the atmosphere is lighter, warmer.

I want to move.

I want to do many things and experience many things. I guess, only in doing things, one can feel that one is truly alive; and only in doing things, one that is truly alive notice that the life he/she has has meaning.

Well I hope mine too.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

and today

...and today my EM got me a VENTI vanilla latte.

and two DVDs for me to watch.


feb 10-12

The rain outside had stopped, but the sky isn't clear yet.

It even turned dark already by the time I write this.

The team looks very occupied, but somehow the atmosphere is warmer being home.

Why is it, I wonder; as I haven't said any word, not even when I feel really hungry.

The feeling that I need nothing more. Not even food. Not even the need to say something to make me feel better (some people do say something to feel better. Normally I would feel uneasy if I say if neglecting people, being an ignorant.)

But today...nothing. Like floating in the air.

I guess this is what "content" means.